SMART LIGHTNING: smart lightning protection.
DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE the first smart lightning arrester on the market thanks to R&D&i applied to protect against electrical storms

Smart technology: daily self-diagnostics and IoT connectivity.
Daily autonomous assessment of the lightning arrester head status.
Technology that protects: real regulatory compliance
Consecutive tests on the same terminal in official and independent laboratories.
Technology that works: beyond regulatory requirements
Reliability, continuous improvement and the highest standards in testing and certification beyond regulatory requirements.
Digital transformation in lightning protection systems

DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE complies with UNE 21.186:2011 “Protection against lighting: Early streamer emission lightning protection systems” and similar standards (NFC 17-102:2011, NP 4426:2013, UNC-1185, etc.).
Advanced features beyond the standards:
- Extended lightning current stress test over 200 kA.
- Operation in explosive atmospheres.
- Certified operation in rainy conditions (insulation greater than 95%).
- Product certificate with the AENOR N stamp.

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